Digital Strategic Planning

Would you build a house without using a blueprint? Neither would we… We’ll work hard to help you align your brand and marketing objectives to create a strong foundation for growth.

Let’s start with you, you are a master of your business, your brand and your customers. You might have a strategy, you might not, either way we are here to help and understand that a digital strategy is just a piece of the overall puzzle. To be a good digital partner it’s important to be excellent listeners, learners and advisers on the most effective tactics and projects. Really diving into your brand, your uniqueness, the identities and behaviors of your customers and the metrics that you find most important.

It’s our job to help you maximize your efforts with our experience and help you dig in and prioritize initiatives that have the most value for you. We are agile, have the experience and want you to succeed. Whether you are running a brand storytelling campaign, or navigating a large technical implementation, we have your back.

service product strategy


Our Approach
blue element web design agency

Understanding what you want and need.

We take a deep dive into your brand, business objectives, personal goals, and how your plan will meet your customer’s needs. We also examine what your competitors are doing, and analyze data that shows what users love – and don’t love – about what’s already in the market. We collaborate with you to flesh out the KPIs that are relevant to your business goals and serve to measure your program’s success.
  • Brainstorming & Collaboration
  • Research & Discovery
  • KPIs & Success Metrics
application flowchart
Strategic planning flowchart
app object map
Strategic Planning object map

Take a user-centric approach to form and function.

This is true for a marketing campaign, new website, application or back office software. We work with your team to determine the functionality and design that will engage your customers. We also detail the security necessary to protect your data and your users’ privacy. In the end, you should have a plan that is actionable, measurable and successful.

Make it easy for customers to find and engage with you.

Building a website? An app? Every initiative should have a go-to-market plan for launching your initiative and maximizing its visibility after launch. We optimize everything to make it easy for customers’ to find it in app stores as well as via search, paid advertising, social media promotions and more. In addition to tracking business KPIs it’s important to monitor your app’s performance, and continually refine it based on real customers’ feedback.
SEO PPC report
seo ppc report
Related work

OnBoard, a board management software company, needed a partner to solve a particular challenge: A clearer brand story, a better value showcase, and improved qualified conversions—all through a modernized website design.

Victorious wanted to revamp their website with several goals in sight. They needed to reorganize site architecture and messaging to provide clearer user journeys and UX for visitors. Just as importantly the talented marketing team at this SEO powerhouse needed a site built for easy updates and management.

Online community college Calbright wanted to advance along with its enrolled students, and provide long-term student success through economic opportunities and education. To grow its enrollment and impact, Calbright needed strategic growth—they needed Digital Growth Marketing.