Vérité Data: UX-Focused Microsite Design and Development for a Standalone Identity

Vérité Data was looking for a partner to help them create a microsite that could stand on its own. They wished to improve user experience to increase engagement, update design to reflect new branding choices, and tell a story of industry leadership in their space: using data to solve client problems.
Vérité Data website design

Preliminary Research

When Vérité Data approached Solid Digital, they sought to create their own identity, and make a microsite that could stand on its own – outside of the larger company website and the other services Valid offers. Later in the partnership, Solid learned that Vérité Data was shifting into an independent company, and the “soft rebrand” was transformed into a fully separate site that would deeply drive credibility and differentiate Vérité Data and the value they provide over their competition.

Vérité Data sought to:

  • Improve the UX to guide users through a clear strategic journey and increase engagement (and onsite lead gen)
  • Reflect new branding and elevate design 
  • Tell the right brand story to showcase Vérité Data as an industry leader, drive credibility in the space, and differentiate value against competitors
  • Showcase Vérité Data as its own entity (a complete company) outlining “what we do,” “who we are,” and the “team”
  • Speak to target audience’s challenges, guiding them to the information and solutions they may not even know they need

With a “soft rebrand” (updated visual assets) and a now-independent company, it was important to delineate Vérité Data from its original parent company, and help it stand out as a complete entity, with plenty of history and credibility to boot.

In order to do this, it was essential to create leads for their sales funnel through simplifying the user journey. Organizing the site with easy-to-navigate buckets pertaining to each client’s interest, and clear, professional copywriting, helps potential customers to quickly find the contact form. Anything extraneous was removed, while remaining pieces were tailored to keep the message present and simple. All visual assets were simplified, as well, and any unnecessary elements, “noise,” or copy was simplified or removed to keep the brand story and messaging straightforward.

In order to help showcase Vérité Data as an industry leader, the appearance on the website was kept consistent, and three buckets were pinpointed, and repeated in the site from the home page to the top menu to various other pages throughout the site: “Identify, Understand, Connect.” By using these same ideas in headers, it kept the focus simple and clear. 

Additionally, several areas of the site were dedicated to solving the audience’s challenges and pain points, helping guide them to ideas and solutions they may not have considered.


Vérité Data is selective in their clientele, with a heavy focus on quality, bringing their very best solutions to the table for each of their long-term partnerships—with some client relationships lasting up to 40 years. Vérité Data’s team is very focused on working closely with clients, so the copy around their offerings had to reflect the feeling of partnership, the web design needed to keep things simpler and not overwhelm, and the site needed to provide solutions that weren’t recognized before. Also unlike parts of their previous website, Vérité Data sought to be direct and decisive, aiming to get their message across succinctly and simply—a tall order for a multifaceted, complex offering.

The straightforward design aided in the to-the-point style, along with working behind the scenes to keep the page loading quickly through setting up metadata/markup, alt text, and naming images. This also helped improve the google rating and SEO for the site. Every small decision on the backend (including QA) was made to create a better UX on the front end.

The Engagement

Vérité Data’s team had a clear and focused direction, and leaned on Solid Digital’s team to take the vision and run with it, giving feedback at key points in the process. Thanks to their responsiveness, the project went smoothly, and the Vérité Data team was able to maintain focus on their work, especially in a time of transition to an independent corporation.

In terms of copywriting, Solid Digital needed to create an approachable tone that conveyed clear information about a complex product. In order to show Vérité Data as an industry leader that solved problems for their clients, Solid Digital created a carousel of specific data-solutions type FAQs/troubleshooting indicating how Vérité Data could solve each one (along with a link to a corresponding blog post [Insights] on the very topic.) It was key to focus on new ideas, starting fresh and avoiding existing site copy, to create a unique identity around their tailored solutions. In this way, Vérité Data was set up on its own—separate from any other company. In addition, impressive statistics, the history of Vérité Data and a few details around the methodology of Vérité Datas’ team helped drive credibility and approachability for the newly branded microsite.

Vérité Data website design case Study


The website needed to be able to pivot as Vérité Data worked out any future branding kinks. In order to future-proof the site, Solid Digital’s design team built the site to make it intuitive and easy-to-update, with all styles centralized and templated. Given that Vérité Data just became independent, it was vital to create a site that could be accessible to marketers (while being powerful enough for developers) using Elementor and WordPress. Even if Solid Digital isn’t on hand to help with a change, the team at Vérité can easily make global adjustments as they grow and change in this next stage of their business.

Vérité Data website design case Study

Final Analysis

Vérité Data is happy with the final microsite product. Solid Digital accomplished the goals, and the overall UX is pristine, with a clear design and simplified copy—giving just enough info to users to make them want more and reach out for a follow-up. Using a microsite sets Vérité Data up nicely for moving forward with pain-free expansion or change with a modular, but simple web design style that aligns with their brand and solutions.

More Work

Solid Digital’s work with Ajinomoto concentrated on aligning brand messaging and improving customer experience through a consolidated macro website build and a fully-redesigned customer portal.

Vitality sought a partner that could redesign and develop their website and elevate their brand. With the website, they primarily wanted to guide users through the funnel, with a strategic journey that showcased the valuable content Vitality has created (and continues to create).

The Cure JM Foundation came to Solid Digital, ready to update their website’s look and feel to raise awareness, support affected families, and improve fundraising for finding a cure for Juvenile Myositis (JM).