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Mobile Applications for Businesses: Do You Need A Customized One?

Mobile applications for businesses are on the rise, but are they worth it? Most of all, do you need one? Read on to see if it's right for you!

Millennials are the first generation to grow up online. That’s why it’s unsurprising that over half of millennial-owned small businesses have created an app for their business. And yet, the overall number of mobile applications for businesses has stagnated.

Developing a mobile application requires an investment of resources and budget. Many businesses may find that this simply isn’t an attainable goal.

However, at Solid Digital, we believe you can generate an application for your business–and it’s cost-effective.

Mobile applications can be an accessible resource for your company. Here are some benefits.

Amplify Your Personalization

Most mobile applications prompt users to create an account to unlock the app’s full features. That means that you can expect to receive the name and email address of interested parties almost as soon as they download the app.

You can also customize your app to include a settings or preferences menu. This allows users to further personalize their experience.

Prompt them to report details like their gender, age, and specific areas or products of interest. That way, the app can begin to target each user with advertisements, exclusive deals, and suggestions you believe will interest them.

Your website can also use algorithms to generate targeted content. Mobile applications increase the likelihood that you’re targeting the right person every time. Why? Households may share computers or tablets that they then use to access your website.

Indeed, households often make purchasing decisions together. Still, it is beneficial to tap into each member’s unique interests. Reaching multiple members through their own in-app accounts will create the opportunity for personalized marketing.

Take Advantage of Mobile Device Features and Design Freedom

Mobile applications can make use of mobile device features like the microphone, camera, and GPS locator. Incorporating these features into your app’s abilities gives users an interactive experience. Even better, they can have this experience in an environment they already know.

For example, many large banks made the transfer of money far more accessible with their check deposit feature. Rather than having to take checks to the banks, their clients can simply transfer their checks to their accounts with their phone’s camera.

Plus, when you build a customized mobile application for your business, you’re free from the constraints of a web browser. No longer do you have to rely on the search bar, the back button, and the refresh button. Instead, you can come up with a system that is both unique and intuitive.

Notify In a New Way

For the past twenty years or so, businesses have worked on building email lists of previous or interested customers. Then, the famous email blast is sent out.

The problem is that email blasts have become so common that email providers have created entire folders to filter out ads. Tons of these promotional emails are never even opened. Push notifications are an excellent way to bring life back to your marketing blasts if your emails aren’t getting the results you want to see.

Push notifications pop on a user’s lock or home screen. They serve functions ranging from reminding the user of the items they have in their cart to letting them know about a new sale. Business experts have found that using power words in push notifications will generate the most results. These are words that create a sense of urgency, exclusivity, and value.

It’s important to note that any good app should come with the option of turning push notifications off. Some people are more likely to delete an app that forces them to see push notifications. Thus, it would help if you combined push notifications with in-app notifications that only pop up when users are actively using your mobile application.

Meet Your Clients Where They Spend Their Time

Making a mobile-friendly website is a vital way to show viewers that you are professional and relevant. However, you’re still more likely to catch viewers on your mobile application than on your mobile-friendly website.

In fact, a recent study found that smartphone users spend 90% of their phone time using applications, and only 10% using their phone’s web browser. This is likely due to a combination of reasons we’ve already discussed. Apps are created specifically for smartphones and interact the way smartphone users expect them to.

Even if your app isn’t the first one your users open when they reach for their phones, you still want your logo on that home screen. Brand recognition plays a huge factor in our buying habits. We trust the brands we find familiar, even if it’s a matter of logo recognition and nothing more.

When users passively see your app ten, fifteen, or twenty times a day, they’re increasing their attachment to your products or services. Who are they more likely to think of when they’re in the market for your goods? You, the business whose app is installed on their phone, or your competition?

Building Mobile Applications for Businesses Doesn’t Have to be Complicated.

Creating mobile applications for businesses big and small creates increased user-friendliness. It provides more opportunities for personalization and interaction. It puts you on the digital map in a way that simply can’t be beaten.

We know that creating a mobile application doesn’t happen overnight. It isn’t something most businesses can build internally. You don’t have time to seek out the right talent or learn all of the right tricks.

That’s where partnerships come in. Contact us at Solid Digital and let us become an extension of your business. We’ll handle everything, from your website to your mobile application, so that you can focus on what’s most important: the bigger picture.

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