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Solid Sit-Downs: Meet Luke Chinworth, Senior Web Developer

Get to know Luke Chinworth, a member of our Technology team on our blog series Solid Sit-Downs.
luke chinworth

Luke has 5 years of industry experience working with the full stack of web technologies. He asks questions, gets answers, fixes bugs, builds websites and apps, and delivers on all his promises.

Q&A w/ Luke Chinworth

Q: What is your favorite quote, and why?

“There is no such thing as simple. Simple is hard.”

– Martin Scorcece

Q: What inspired you to become a Web Developer?

A friend told me about code schools where you can learn web development. I hated my job at the time, so I was looking for a different trade. I had always been interested in coding from growing up playing video games, but never knew where to start. This seemed like the perfect next step. I found a code school in Portland through another friend, and decided to go for it. The school ended with an internship, and I interned with Solid. The rest is history, as they say.

Q: What do you enjoy the most about being a Sr. Web Developer at Solid Digital?

Designing and building systems and tools to help customers. I also enjoy working on a collaborative team where a second set of eyes is never far when designing, coding or debugging.

Q: As a Sr. Web Developer, What expertise do you bring to your clients?

I provide a holistic perspective of the customer’s technology, and with that can recommend solutions that will fit their needs. I am also a ruthless TODOer, in and out of my code editor, and in high school won most likely to report bugs while running through the project checklist.

Q: What is your approach to providing great customer service?

Ask the customer questions if I don’t understand their request. Once I understand, I can then provide an answer they can trust, even if it isn’t the answer they initially wanted.

Q: What is your favorite book?

Probably Chronicles of Narnia

 Q: What has been your favorite project you’ve worked on during your time at Solid Digital?

We worked on a smart tv interface a couple years ago. We had to optimize the javascript app to run on the low-powered smart tv hardware, so it was really fun to geek out about keeping the source code super organized, simple, minimal, and readable. We used Vue.js.

Q: What is a mobile application you can’t live without?


Q: Who is your tech or design inspiration?

Probably Brent Jackson. Mostly for creating basscss. It ain’t perfect, but I enjoy functional css more than append-only css.

Q: What are some ways that technology has influenced your life?

I find myself inspecting websites all the time, trying to figure out how the developer implemented some feature.

Q: What is the 1 piece of advice you would give to someone that wants to have a career in your field?

Start small and build up. Ask yourself, is this a number? a string? a boolean? an object? Then join some strings together, and you’ve got yourself a website.