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How to Use LinkedIn for Professional and Business Visibility

By incorporating the use of social platforms like LinkedIn into your daily routine it can help you and your business become more visible and expand your network.
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As January rolled around and as many of us do, our team shared some of their resolutions, and one that caught my attention was from our CEO, Jesse McCabe to: “Post on LinkedIn every workday.” Jesse has always been active on LinkedIn, and now that he is more consistent in his posting, I have observed some very interesting results. Jesse’s visibility has increased, his posts often appear on my feed and the feed of his connections, which has resulted in more engagement from his network along with new opportunities.

There are lots of ways to make yourself and your business more visible on LinkedIn, you just have to act on them. LinkedIn growth is not just about adding people to your network and asking for something. It’s about “internet karma,” giving to the community and allowing yourself and  your business to be more open with your network. Being present and engaging is key to visibility on LinkedIn. After actively observing Jesse’s posting habits for the past three months, I want to share three tips to help you and your business be more visible on LinkedIn and assist you in expanding your network.

3 Important Tips to Follow

Post Regularly

Posting regularly on LinkedIn is step one to gain visibility on the platform. Ensure that the content you are sharing is valuable and genuine will resonate better with your network. Being personable is a way to connect with others, just remember that this is still a professional network. Sharing your advice on an industry subject, encouraging discussions by asking questions, sharing industry news along with your opinions, are great examples.

“The posts I see on LinkedIn from many of my business-owning colleagues are typically very positive and promotional. I know from my own experience (and my close friends who are also entrepreneurs) that business is an emotional rollercoaster. Being more open about the valleys and not just the peaks has been a great way to start conversations with my connections.” — Jesse McCabe, CEO


Industry Influencers and Groups

Connecting and communicating with people and groups who are influential in your industry can help expand your network and open doors for you or your business. Don’t be afraid to start a conversation or join an industry-related group. Participating and being active can make you and your business stand out. Not to mention, it can give you the opportunity to network with others that may need of your expertise or your company’s services.

LinkedIn’s Publishing Platform

According to LinkedIn’s Sophisticated Marketer’s Guide to LinkedIn, 94% of B2B marketers use LinkedIn as a content distribution channel compared to other social platforms like Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube. There are 500 million LinkedIn users and only 0.2% have published an article using LinkedIn’s publishing platform.

Using LinkedIn’s publishing platform to share your knowledge or your companies’ expertise is part-taking in the “internet karma” cycle. Sharing what you know with your connections and the LinkedIn community can favor you as it establishes credibility for you and your business. It is also important to mention that native posts published through the LinkedIn publishing platform seem to be favored by the LinkedIn algorithm.

Using social platforms like LinkedIn to help you and your business become more visible and expand your network should be a strategy you incorporate into your daily routine.